The #1 job board for Economic Development Orgs (EDOs)

Empower your region’s businesses with an automated job board that lives on your website. No more manually posting job roles.

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Your Economic Development Org job board, always up to date.

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Help skilled workers find the right opportunities
As an Economic Development Organization, you play a critical role in helping local businesses thrive. Our automated job board helps businesses in your area find skilled workers when they need them. This creates a steady flow of opportunities for both employers and job seekers.
up-to-date job board
Job listings are automatically updated
We set up the job board on your website. Job listings are updated, added, or removed automatically. As local businesses adjust their hiring needs, the job board reflects those changes, ensuring job seekers always see the latest opportunities in your community.
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Facilitate faster and more efficient talent referrals
Save time and resources by streamlining the process of referring talent to organizations in your region. You can easily connect job seekers to the right opportunities, helping local businesses fill positions faster and contributing to the economic growth of your community.

What Economic Development Orgs love about GETROJOBS

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No manual job postings with your Economic Development Org job board

Managing job listings can be a hassle for EDOs, but with our automated job board, listings are updated automatically. No manual effort is required, freeing your team to focus on larger economic growth initiatives.

Branded design that engages job seekers

Getro’s customizable design seamlessly fits your EDO’s brand, creating a professional and easy-to-navigate experience for job seekers. This encourages higher engagement and helps talent find relevant opportunities quickly.
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Track impact with real-time insights

Advanced analytics help you track job board activity. This lets you see how your platform connects members to new job opportunities.
"Working with Getro has significantly streamlined the management of our National Job Board. Their exceptional customer service has made our operations not only efficient but also enjoyable. The intuitive user interface simplifies the process of posting job roles and managing company profiles, while providing candidates easy access to thousands of opportunities. Recently, Getro's advanced analytics have offered valuable insights into industry trends, empowering us to make informed decisions that ultimately benefit our founders. I highly recommend Getro for anyone looking to enhance their recruitment experience."
David Jennings
Talent Ops at Communitech

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