The #1 job board for Venture Capital

Help founders from your portfolios hire faster with an automated job board that lives on your website.

career and portfolio lists
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Your job board, always up to date with no manual upkeep.

choose companies
Help your portfolio find talent
Make it easy for people to find the right job at the right time.
up-to-date job board
Jobs are updated daily as career pages change
We deploy the job board on your website. Jobs are updated, added, or removed daily as career pages change.
good relation
Make better, faster introductions
Save time when referring talent to your portfolio companies.

What our customers love

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No manual job postings

We automatically keep jobs up to date so you can spend time on the things that matter.

Branded design that drives interaction

Getro's intuitive design matches your brand and makes it easy for people to find what they's looking for.
vc track section
vc branded design

Track impact with real-time insights

Powerful analytics help you monitor job board activity and performance to track the impact of your board.
Getro allows me, as a one-person team, to support 100 companies effectively. As the Head of Talent at a gaming-focused Venture Capital firm with nearly 100 companies in our portfolio, Getro helps me streamline talent and hiring processes. My favorite features include the job board, talent network sign-ups, and list-sharing capabilities.
Joe Burridge
Head of Talent, Play Ventures

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